How can Saarland’s retail sector prepare for the time after the Corona Lockdown? How can stationary trade and city centres be revived?
Experts will be looking for answers to these questions on 2nd February at 6:30 pm (German time) at the “Handelsforum online”. The event is organised by the “Institut für empirische Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität des Saarlandes (IfeW)”, “IHK Saarland” and Saarland’s “Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Energie und Verkehr”. Professor Bastian Popp, Chair of Business Administration, in particular Retail Management and Academic Director of the EIABM, currently serves as the sposkesman of the IfeW, and arranges the event together with his team.
The event is in German, open to the public and free of charge. Registration for the event is not required.
More information can be found here:
You can access the event on 2nd February at 6:30 pm via the following link: Microsoft Teams
Flyer: HandelsforumOnline2021