The integration of resources is of fundamental importance for value co-creation. But which resources can be distinguished and what special role do natural resources (e.g. nature, water, air) play in economic exchange?
In a new article, Prof. Dr. Herbert Woratschek (University of Bayreuth), Prof. Dr. Chris Horbel (Nowegian School of Sport Sciences) and Prof. Dr. Bastian Popp (Saarland University) investigate these questions and integrate a variety of approaches to the classification of resources from marketing and service research. In doing so, the role of “Pure Public Resources” as a general category of natural resources is emphasized. Different levels of analysis are considered and it is highlighted that natural resources consciously or unconsciously influence any economic exchange process significantly. Curious about more details?
The article has been published in SMR – Journal of Service Management Research, in the current special edition in honour of Prof. Dr. Michael Kleinaltenkamp. Within the first four weeks after publication, the article can be downloaded for free directly from the publisher ( We will also be happy to provide the article if you send us a short e-mail or and inquiry on ResearchGate (
Citation: Woratschek, H., Horbel, C., & Popp, B. (2020). Conceptualizing Resource Integration: The Peculiar Role of Pure Public Resources. SMR – Journal of Service Management Research, 4(2-3), 157-169.