You are currently viewing Uni-Tour of the European Parliament on 13 January 2022 in Saarbrücken.

Students of Saarland University will have the opportunity to discuss the future of Europe with actors from European politics on 13 January 2022 as part of the European Parliament’s University Tour.

The online seminar will take place from 10 am to 12 pm. The event is being organised for the second time by the Cluster for European Studies at Saarland University (CEUS) and the European Parliament’s Liaison Office in Germany. The Uni-Tour at German universities and colleges gives students the opportunity to deal with current topics and to engage in discussion with European politicians in a moderated discussion round on the main topic of “The Future of the EU”.

The following questions, for example, can be discussed: What changes would you like to see in the EU in general and what would be necessary to realise them? What institutional reforms do you think are necessary to optimise decision-making processes at EU level? What do you think the future division of tasks between the European level and the member states should look like?

The event is open to students and teachers of all disciplines and to the interested public. In particular, students in the Bachelor of European Studies and the Zertifikat Europaicum are invited to contribute their ideas and visions on the future of Europe. To participate in the online event, a link will be sent after registration.

Please register by 10 January 2022 at europastudium(at)
Note: The tour will be held in German.