There are many parallels between #sport and #studies. Both top sporting performances and university success require a high level of motivation, discipline, hard work, and perseverance. Another parallel is that #Saarbrücken is the perfect place for both sports and studying. Last Sunday, it therefore was a great honour and pleasure for us at the European Institute for Advanced Behavioural Management, Saarland University to organise a meeting with Neeraj Chopra, the reigning world champion in javelin throwing, for some of our #MBA_European_Management students. Neeraj Chopra is currently training at the #Sportcampus_Saar in Saarbrücken for the upcoming Olympics in #Paris and is one of the contenders for the gold medal. For our international MBA students from #India, he is a national hero and we are all the more grateful that Neeraj Chopra took the time for a “Meet and Greet”. Our thanks from the #Campus of the Universität des Saarlandes also go “next door” to the #Sportcampus_Saar and the team of the Landessportverband für das Saarland, which made the meeting possible. The Sportcampus currently is being used not only by Neeraj Chopra, but also by numerous other international athletes for a perfect preparation for the upcoming Olympics. We wish Neeraj Chopra continued successful preparation at the Sportcampus Saar and wish him and all other athletes every success at the competitions of the Olympic Games in #Paris2024! We wish our students at the Europa-Institut every success with the last remaining exams and the final Master’s thesis!