You are currently viewing Data Analysis – wie man aus Datenmengen wertvolle Informationen gewinnen kann

Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung werden jeden Tag große Datenmengen generiert. Wie man diese Daten verwerten und nutzen kann, um ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen zu führen, zeigt unseren Studierenden der Kurs „Data Analysis“ von Prof. Dr. Temme.

Prof. Dr. Temme lehrt an der Universität Wuppertal und hat den Lehrstuhl für Methoden und empirische Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung inne. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte umfassen Datenerhebung, Datenauswertung und Advanced Methods in Structural Equation Modeling.

M5-1 Data Analysis


This course focuses on the challenges of managing services and delivering quality service to customers. It introduces key concepts and tools of service management. Moreover, the course will challenge participants to rethink how companies should manage their services in building their competitive strength and profitability. The course is equally applicable to traditional service companies, i.e. for-profit organizations (e.g.: banks, transportation companies, hotels, educational institutions, professional services, telecommunication, tourism etc.) as well as public/non-profit organizations (e.g.: hospitals, NGOs, schools, public agencies, theatres, museums, etc.). Moreover, the ideas presented in the course are valuable for any kind of organization that is open to take on a service perspective on their business and core competences.