Der Kurs soll den Studierenden tiefgreifende Kenntnisse zu unterschiedlichen politischen Strukturen und Prozessen vermitteln. Dabei werden die Kursinhalte mittels Fallstudien sowie auf interaktive Art und Weise gelehrt, wie etwa durch den Besuch einer politisch agierenden Institution.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Axt ist Inhaber eines Jean Monnet-Lehrstuhls und Leiter der Jean Monnet-Forschungsgruppe an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Zudem ist er Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Europäische Integration und Europapolitik. Bereits seit 2001 ist Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axt als Gastprofessor am Europa-Institut, Sektion Wirtschaftswissenschaften tätig. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte umfassen unter anderem die Europäische Integration, die EU-Erweiterung sowie EU-Strukturpolitik.
M2-1 European Institutions
Policy making in the European Union differs distinctly from political processes in nation states. Students learn the peculiarity of new modes of governance which have been developed in the European Union. As the process of integration is an incremental development emphasis is put on historical aspects. As the European Union has developed step by step the same holds true for relevant norms and values which were laid down in successive treaties.
Another focus of the course is decision making in the European Union. It becomes evident which actors are relevant. As policy making differs from policy to policy the course will discuss some examples of policies which can be classified either as market building (e.g. Internal Market) or market correcting ones (e.g. Cohesion Policy). The course includes two guest presentations, group discussions, two simulations and a written examination.
Studierende sagen:
“It was fun to get to know European Institutions, politics is fun. The structures and procedures of different policies are interesting as well as important to know. The invited lecturers were great!” (WT 2019/20)